1 Thessalonians 5:11 "Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing."
Hebrews 10: 24-25 "And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near."
Throne Room Glory Ministries International is well named, because each time we’ve had the pleasure to participate in a ministry event, Minister Karen Bromfield, with the assistance and giftings of her entire family, has ushered us into God’s throne room. Minister Karen understands, receives, and moves in the flow of the Holy Spirit. Her anointing and gifting moves from worship, to prophecy, to words of knowledge and encouragement at the beckoning of the Holy Spirit. We are blessed each time we enter the Throne Room with Minister Karen and we leave with fresh revelation, fresh fire, and fresh encouragement to fulfill our God given purpose and destiny. Thank you Throne Room Glory Ministries International. You are dispensing grace and unleashing the fullness of God in all of us!
Pastor Herb and Michelle Warden (Cooper City Church of God, Florida)
I have grown spiritually since I have joined TRG/TOG. Karen has a heart to encourage people to grow deeper in the things of God. I am learning that being a Believer is more than going to church and praying selfish prayers. It is about intimacy with our creator. I have learned this from Karen's experiences and from her encouragement to develop our own intimacy with the Lord. I am learning to engage with the Holy Spirit when reading scriptures for better understanding. I am also learning intercession through TOG, the prayerline; we are given the opportunity to pray for one another which has increased my prayer life. All these practices have helped to strengthen my walk with God and improve my prayer life. We are all at different levels in this group yet, everyone respects and supports where each person is; this is encouraging. It is good to know that I have a group of people who will celebrate with me life's accomplishments, who will go to war with me and for me, and who will make petitions to the Lord on my behalf. I Love prophetic worship so I enjoy Karen's singing; I can feel the presence of God, and I am always blessed to hear His heart for us as individuals or as a team.
Vanessa Duchatellier
In addition to my intimate time with the Lord every morning, Throne Room Glory Ministries International’s prayer line, Tabernacle of Glory (TOG), has become my supplemental nourishment as I prepare to face the day.
I can relate so very well to the prayer requests; particularly since they are so practical and relatable to everyday circumstances, and the prayers in themselves are a divine boost to my soul!
Vashti Ramnarine
TOG is a blessing. Karen and her heart of worship & prophetic words have drawn together a wonderful fellowship that energizes anyone with faith, praise and knowledge of the Word of God.
Noel Campbell
No way to express how grateful I am that the Lord led me through Rosie to your group!!! I was in a very dry place, just made final decision last week to leave the church I have attended 36 years, and I prayed for His direction. It is a non-denominational church that has great teachings of the Word, but they drifted off in the money direction. Plus, last summer I got a job playing in an Episcopal church (I am a pianist) but that is drier than the Sahara! So, I have been dry! This prayer group is watering my spirit.
Rosalie Gregory
I learnt how important prayer is and while I was praying that night God took away fear from me, so I can be all that He called me to be. Thanks to you Sister Karen for encouraging me to go to the next level in God.
Elda Milien
A strong message that can be applied to our lives and great singing.
Ludlow Gordon
It was a powerful evening of spiritual worship, communion, and fellowship, where all are made welcome, of every age.
Dr. Felipa Chavez
The "Upper Room" prayer night anniversary was an electrifying experience with JESUS!!! It was like a concert for JESUS as parishioners ushered in the Holy Spirit in prayer and harmony. It was a time
to praise and thank GOD for all of His goodness. Thank you, Karen and David Bromfield for your obedience to GOD for this Ministry.
Willie Dowe
What an awesome experience! The anniversary prayer night was truly transforming I could feel the presence of God in the house. The atmosphere broke down barriers. The music, prayers and message
spoke to me in a way that made me resolve to walk closer to God. Looking forward to your third anniversary.
Elsa Cross
I was indeed blessed to participate in Throne Room Ministry's anniversary prayer night. The atmosphere was ripe with the fragrance and presence of our Lord who indeed did bless my heart with true
worship and songs of deliverance.
Patrice Brown
PRAYER, how refreshing and life changing the experience has been...an atmosphere of freedom and surrender to one's soul, empowering you with strength, faith and a sense of belonging to carry you
through life's struggles...That is what Throne Room’s 3rd Anniversary did for me.
Michelle Rampasard
The anniversary prayer night was placed on the calendar of Divine appointments. Many were blessed! Break throughs manifested by the presence of The Ancient of Days "Yahweh" being in our midst through
Worship and Honor to the King of Kings! Amen.
Kerry Johnson (Shofarist)
The Upper Room Prayer Anniversary was amazing the glory of God was there, I'm still full. The praise and worship was powerful and heart felt. I was blessed to be there with my sisters and
brothers. Thank you for allowing God to use you both for His kingdom to bring joy to His people, I love you Karen and David.
God bless you both ❤
Jennifer Jolibois
URPN 2nd anniversary “War Cry” was a night that was blessed with the presence of the Holy Spirit and the cry of the spiritual warriors banding together in worship and praise was echoed far
distances. Ricardo Gordon
This was the most awesome anniversary you have had Karen & David. I strongly felt the presence of God and He had a broad smile on His face.
Blessings for TRGM.
Leonie Gordon
I recommended to Pastor Bailey to Prepare to have an Encounter with the Holy Spirit and it did come to pass. You and your family’s Spiritual growth is amazing.
To God be the Glory!
For me, the night of ministry encouraged my hunger for MORE OF GOD'S PRESENCE.
Please keep on being open to THE HOLY SPIRIT.
God bless you, love you.
Winsome Williams (Mama Cherry)
Karen, it was an honor to have participated in what I considered to have been an awesome experience. I had no doubt that God wanted me to share that message and I am heartened to know it was received
well. To God be the glory!
It was great bringing together so many people to celebrate with you and your family something that is obviously led by the Holy Spirit. The various parts of the service helped to provide meaningful
perspective about the operations of the Holy Spirit and especially when you started to speak prophetically over others. You were not hurried, totally moving in the Spirit in a controlled manner. As
for you Miss Karen: you’re a spiritual dynamo. Nobody could have prepared me for what I saw in you that night. Wow!!!
My blessing came from simply being there and experiencing it all for myself. Thanks also for bringing men forward for prayer.
The church must be intentional about including men.
Dr. Clyde Bailey (Executive Pastor at Cooper City Church of God)
Sister, you are a worship leader. The evening was anointed and powerful. It felt like those times when you are worshipping the Lord and you lose track of time and you don't even care because you
enjoy being in His presence. That's how I felt. God Bless you and keep you and your family.
Jamal Jennings
“Karen is a much anointed woman of God. She is one that I have admired over the many years of our friendship. Karen is a Prophetic Worship Leader as she is a person who flows in the prophetic as she ministers in song. She has a powerful flow in intercession that leads to prophecy as she lays hands on the sick and broken hearted and allow the LORD to bring restoration. I truly believe that Karen will be a blessing to any ministry to tear down strongholds and break chains that bind anyone and that which holds them from fulfilling their destiny.”
Best Regards,
Pastor Elaine Bookal
Pure Heart Church Intl.
"Karen is a unique gift to the body of Christ. Her ministry in worship brings believers into a Throne room experience. From this place in Christ she release's the Holy Spirit's teaching gift and a high level of prophetic insight. Her greatest ministry is her intense intimacy with her Precious Lord, who she lives for! She is a loving mother and a Proverbs 31:10-31 bride to her husband David.
My wife and I are honored to call her our friend."
Prophet Edward Polanco
"I have known Karen Bromfield for about 15 yrs. I remember when I first met her. She was a quiet, very shy and timid little sister. I knew from the first time we met, that I wanted this young lady to be my friend. Years passed and we quickly realized what God had done in both our lives and why it was destined that we would meet. She imparted into my life and I into hers. We both struggled in our walk with Christ. Karen is small in stature but there were many days I had to lean on her even though I am 6'2” tall. Over the years she was like a little chicken struggling to get her balance not knowing her strengths and not realizing that one day with the help of God she would soar like an eagle. I watched the beautiful transformation in her life as only God could orchestrate. Awesome intercessor, Awesome psalmist, Awesome teacher, Awesome woman of God. Yes, she bloomed into a beautiful, confident woman of God. I was blessed to have watched what God did in sister/prophetess Karen Bromfield's life." Minister Sylvia Collier
“Minister Karen is an incredible Gift to the Body of Christ.
She has a Prophetic Gift that functions like a Sniper Rifle.
Demons were manifesting and leaving at the altar!”
Jerrod Buffington
Youth Director
Hope United Church
“I have known Karen for several years. She is a dynamic minister with a strong anointing in the prophetic and the Song of the Lord.
Karen’s ministry is to preach the Word, and prophesy with anointing and accuracy with signs and wonders.
Karen is a true disciple of God’s present day ministry, exhibiting God’s power with the love of the Lord. ”
Prophet J. Dennis Gordon
Hope United Church